Get it sorted with MemberPAY

We use MemberPAY for your convenience

How it works

By clicking a single button in your billing config settings you can pay for everyones's subscription fees. We'll generate a convenient monthly invoice covering the nominated professionals.

Invoices are created on the last day of each calendar month. The fee charged is calculated for all staff attached with your organisation where:

  1. Their anniversary falls within the following calendar month; plus
  2. They recently attached with your organisation during the calendar month, and they don't already hold a subscription.

Support staff

Staff of your organisation who are not flagged as a PD Program users are not included. This is to support staff in your organisation who need to administer the PD program, but who do not wish to participate in it.

People who are covered by MemberPAY then enjoy seamless participation. They simply login and engage with all services.

Fees are charged on a 'fair use' policy. This means fees are normally charged on face value at the time of running the invoicing. If there is evidence of system abuse where staff repeatedly connect and disconnect with an organisation, then they will also be included in the subscription charge.

Where a professional disconnects with an organisation part way through a subscribed period, they will retain the individual benefits of that subscription through to the natural expiry of that subscription.

Payment Method

Organisations with fewer than 50 connected professionals are required to pay by Credit Card, where values are auto-deducted from the loaded Credit Card each month on the day of invoicing.

Employers with more than 50 connected professionals have the option of paying by the 20th of the month following, using bank transfer.



